Saturday, April 18, 2009

how to improve your shot for beginners

This blog is intended for young or new soccer players.In this post i will give you a few tips on how to shoot. Many people kick with their toe. This is the wrong way of shooting. If you toe punt your shots will have a lot of power but could end up anywhere. When you are shooting the best way is to kick the ball with the lace part of your shoe.

Another important factor is when you take a shot your foot that you are not shooting with is beside the ball and pointing to where you want the ball to go. First you should take it slow, when you get more comfortable with it start to shoot harder.

Another more accurate way to shoot is with the inside of your foot. The method is usually used when you are up close one on one with the goal keeper or a penalty shot. The main point is just to basically pass it into one of the corners of the net.

If you practice your shot regularly you will develop a good shot in no time at all.
Practice makes perfect!!